DEFINITION: any of various hemipteran insects that live in fresh waters, including the back swimmers and the water boatmen.
Even though they breathe air, several kinds of insects can also live underwater and are able to fly, crawl, or swim at will. Called water bugs, such insects belong to the order of true bugs Hemiptera.
One of the most common water bugs is the water boatman, the only water bug that can take flight directly from the water. It usually stays anchored to the bottom feeding on algae and organic debris and keeps a supply of air stored under its wings.
The back swimmer is named for its habit of rowing itself through the water upside down.
It stores air in two grooves on its under surface. Each of its three pairs of legs serves a different purpose. The front pair captures small creatures for food; the middle pair holds on to objects; and the long, flat hind pair, fringed with stiff hairs, acts as oars that row with powerful sweeping strokes. Before it can take flight, the back swimmer must crawl onto the land, turn over, and wait for its wings to dry.
The grasping forelegs of the water scorpion resemble scorpion claws, and its scorpion like tail is used as a breathing tube. It seldom swims, preferring to hunt for small fish and insects from a fixed station. A bubble of air trapped underneath sensory hairs on its abdomen imparts stimuli that tell the bug whether it is walking down deeper into the water or heading upward.
The water strider, or pond skater, has a long narrow body and six spidery legs. Unlike the other water bugs, it never ventures underwater. Its underside is covered with a water-repellent coat of hair that keeps it afloat. Its middle legs propel it across the surface, its hind legs act as rudders and brakes, and its short forelegs are used exclusively for catching prey.
American cockroach (or water bug), insect (Periplaneta americana) of the family Blattidae.
The giant water bug is the largest species and can grow up to 4 inches (10 centimetres) long. These bugs have two retractable appendages that, when held together, form a breathing tube. The bugs are strong flyers and formidable hunters. They paralyse their prey by injecting a poison through the beak, and in this manner they can overpower fish twice their own size. The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), a large insect in the order Orthoptera, is often called water bug.
Water boatmen belong to the family Corixidae; back swimmers, Notonectidae; water scorpions, Nepidae; water striders, Gerridae; giant water bugs, Belostomatidae.
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