Most forms of property are tangible; that is, they can be seen and touched. Such property includes land, buildings, automobiles, appliances, or anything else a person may possess. Copyright is an intangible form of property. What is owned, as the word suggests, is a right. This right has two aspects the right to copy and the right to control copying.
Copyright is a legal protection extended to those who produce creative works. Originally only for books, copyright now extends to magazines, newspapers, maps, plays, motion pictures, television programs, computer program software, paintings, photographs, sculpture, musical compositions, choreographed dances, and similar works. Essentially a copyright protects an intellectual or artistic property.
This type of property is unusual because it is normally intended for public use or enjoyment. If an individual buys a copyrighted book, it belongs to him as an object. But making copies of it to sell or give away is illegal. This right belongs to the publisher, author, or whoever holds the copyright. If someone wants to copy all or part of a book, an application for permission must be made to the copyright owner, who probably will require payment of a fee.
Some copyrighted works are more difficult to protect. Music, for example, may be played or sung by anyone after it has been published. But if it is performed for profit, the performers must pay a fee, called a royalty, to the copyright owner. A similar principle applies to performances of plays. As a written work, a play is protected in the same way as a book; anyone who wants to perform it must pay a royalty.
Public Domain
Not everything of an artistic or intellectual nature can be copyrighted. Ideas, names, and titles are excepted. Ideas are not property unless they are put into tangible form such as a book, drawing, or musical composition. Names generally may not be protected unless they belong to distinctive characters: The fictional Lone Ranger is an example. Brand names may be protected as trademarks. Titles can be used repeatedly. Ten authors can write 'A History of the Vietnam War', and, though the contents of each book can be copyrighted, the titles cannot.
Nearly every artistic or intellectual work created before the 20th century is not copyrighted and thus also belongs to the public. This includes all the books written in past centuries as well as paintings, sculpture, and musical masterpieces. Anyone can, therefore, perform a play by Aeschylus or Shakespeare or play the music of Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. Their works were created before there were copyright laws.
Theft of Copyright
Piracy, act of reproducing copyright material without the permission of the owners.
There are two common ways of infringing upon, or violating, a copyright: plagiarism and piracy. The word plagiarism is from the Latin plagiarius, meaning "abductor." It means taking another's material and passing it off as one's own. It is normally an individual deed such as an author's making use of someone else's published material and publishing it as his own.
Piracy may be the act of an individual, but it is more likely a cooperative effort a business of reproducing copyrighted material for profit without permission of the owners. Pirating has become a sizeable and profitable business in some Third World nations. Technological advances have made piracy relatively easy. Nearly anyone can duplicate a computer program, videotape, phonograph record, or television show at home. Mass production of pirated material only takes more equipment and a sales network.
Copyright Law
Most nations now have copyright laws for the protection of authors and other artists. The first such law was passed in Great Britain in 1710. Denmark adopted a copyright ordinance in 1741, and France passed a statute in 1793 that has served as a model for other European nations.
In the United States copyright legislation must be in accordance with Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution. The first law, enacted in 1790, was extensively revised in 1831, 1870, 1909, and 1976. Before the fourth revision, a copyright extended for 28 years with the option of a 28-year renewal. Under the 1976 law the copyright follows international standards by extending for 50 years after the death of the creator. For works copyrighted before the law went into effect Jan. 1, 1978 the term of renewal was extended to 47 years. Works renewed before 1978 were automatically extended for a 75-year period. To copyright a work two copies must be sent to the Copyright Office in Washington, D.C., with an established fee. The usual form of notice is the word Copyright, or the symbol , with the date of publication and the name of the copyright holder.
Universal Copyright Convention (or Geneva Copyright Convention), signed in Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 6, 1952, by 36 nations to give international copyright protection to literary, artistic, and scientific works; drafted by UNESCO; U.S. participation voted by Congress 1954; in effect 1955.
There are also three international copyright conventions: the Berne Convention of 1886; the Buenos Aires, or Pan American, Convention of 1910; and the Universal, or Geneva, Copyright Convention of 1952. These conventions are essentially agreements among the nations that participate in them to recognize each other's copyright laws so that what is protected in one country is protected in the others. The most widely accepted convention is that of 1952.
Regardless of the copyright laws, it has become increasingly difficult to prevent infringement. Photocopying machines make it easy for teachers to duplicate portions of books for use by their students, and video cassette recorders can be used by nearly anyone to make copies of movies and other television programming. Because of these and other devices, it has become virtually impossible to prevent theft of copyright especially involving visual materials.
Sony Corporation, Japanese electronics conglomerate; founded 1946 by Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka as Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation; acquired license for the transistor from Western Electric for $25,000 in 1954 and began making radios; company name changed to Sony 1958; perfected colour television 1968; began international marketing 1950s; under the leadership of Morita became the best-known name in electronic appliances around the world; introduced pocket television sets; introduced video cassette recorder 1971, but betamax format failed in competition with VHS; Walkman introduced 1979; developed compact disc player and digital audio tape in 1980s; acquired CBS Records in 1987 and Columbia Pictures in 1989.
In 1976 Universal Studios and Walt Disney Productions brought suit against the Sony Corporation over the use of home recorders to tape entertainment. In January 1984 the United States Supreme Court ruled that the use of such recorders did not harm the entertainment industry and should not be prohibited.
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